We were welcomed to Kansas City, Mo. by the Rigg's family. (pictured below) Our dear friends, the McKay's in Andserson, SC. have known them for years and hooked us all up. How cool is that? The Rigg's were generous host and were a delight to meet and get to know. They are part of a ministry called
www.24-7prayer.com that has a home base in Kansas City. In addition they are also part of a local community of believers called the Boiler Room (
www.kcboilerroom.com) We're going there tonight.

We will be staying with them again Monday night. We decided to extend our stay here in KC in order to check out IHOP on Monday. Some of our favorite IHOP worship leaders are going to be leading tomorrow night. (Misty Edwards, Matt Gilman, Cory Asbury)
We have really enjoyed our time here. We drove through downtown KC this afternoon. What a cool place. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures tomorrow from downtown.
We're off to the Boiler room....
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